Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chris & Sarah

This is one of those families that is as beautiful in real life as they are in pictures. They are genuine, hard working, fun, and giving. The parents and kids show each other respect and they sincerely love spending time together.
It was fun photographing them in old Ogden. There were so many great textures and colors to accent the family!

After many years of marriage, Chris and Sarah are still connected at the hip. They are so sweet together and with their kids. Just one of the fun things they do is take individual 'dates' with their kids and the kids plan the activity!

These boys were troopers! It was freezing outside so they ran from patch to patch of sunlight and smiled as best as they could despite their frozen lips.

Below is Max as a baby. He's a bit more grown up in the pictures above but his newborn pics were so sweet that I couldn't put the pictures from this week on without adding his younger ones!

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